daily horoscope daily horoscope 26 January 2024 Thursday’s horoscope

daily horoscope daily horoscope 26 January 2024 Thursday’s horoscope

Daily Horoscope 26 January 2024: According to astrology, 26 January 2024, Friday is an important day. Today there will be Pratipada Tithi throughout the day. Pushya Nakshatra will again remain Ashlesha Nakshatra till 10:29 am today. Today, there will be support from Vashi Yoga, Anandadi Yoga, Sunfa Yoga, Lakshminarayan Yoga, Preeti Yoga formed by the planets. If your zodiac sign is Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius then you will get the benefit of Shasha Yoga. Moon will be in Cancer.

Note the auspicious time for auspicious work today. There are two times today. There will be benefit from 08:15 am to 10:15 am – Amrit’s Choghadiya and auspicious Choghadiya from 01:15 pm to 02:15 pm. There will be Rahukaal from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm. What does Friday bring for other zodiac signs? Let us know today’s horoscope (Rashifal in Hindi)-

Moon will be in the fourth house due to which mother’s health may deteriorate. The up and down situation in online business will steal your sleep at night, the effect of which will be visible on your health. The employed person has to use his administrative power in office work and not misuse it. An argument regarding some work at the workplace can increase your problems.

Your problems may increase if some of your old issues come to light at the social and political level. You will be troubled by joint pain problems. Old wounds may become fresh in love and married life. More money may be spent on purchasing home appliances. Competitive and general students will get results according to their hard work.

Moon will be in the third house which will increase courage. With the formation of Lakshminarayan and Preeti Yoga, your business will be discussed everywhere in the market, due to which you will benefit financially. Employed persons who have to have an interview somewhere should prepare well. You may get good news. The employed person will get the job after a lot of effort. Traveling can be planned with relatives. You will feel tired due to excessive work at social and political level. The health of elders in the family will improve.

The new generation will receive some good news which will prove beneficial for you in the future. There will be sweetness due to improvement in relationships with love and life partner. General and competitive students will get results according to their hard work. “Luck is of two letters, fortune is of two and a half letters, destiny is of three letters, but all three of them are smaller than hard work of four letters.

Moon will be in the second house which will bring blessings of moral values. Getting new sources of income in business will increase the growth of business. Also, if you are planning to do something new in business, then do it between 8.15 to 10.15 in the morning and 1.15 to 215 in the afternoon. There is a progress factor for the employed person, it will be useful in maintaining the stability of the job. Colleagues in the office will be jealous of your work, so you should be alert, otherwise you will be busy in your work and your opponents will be busy in making a conspiracy against you. Be alert.

The day will turn out to be better for you at the political and social level. There may be a problem of acidity. Everyone in the family will agree with you and your opinion. Love and life partner will understand your feeling without saying anything. Students can divert their attention from studies due to love.

Moon will be in your zodiac sign which will lead to intellectual development. Your positive thinking will take you to greater heights in partnership business, and you may also get attracted towards other businesses. You will be able to concentrate on your work easily at the workplace. Official traveling can happen with personal. Drive the vehicle slowly and carefully, there is a possibility of injury. The new generation should be spent with joy and happiness. You can win everyone’s heart by talking in the lightest of things.

Once the misunderstanding is cleared, everyone in the family will be happy. “Both mirrors and relationships are very delicate, there is only one difference between the two, mirrors break by mistake, and relationships by misunderstanding.” Shopping can be planned for love and life partner. Students will get knowledge of new technology from the teacher which will reduce some of their problems.

Leo –
Moon will be in the 12th house so try to reduce expenses. In partnership business, do not sign any document without reading it. The businessman will have to avoid giving goods on loan to anyone, otherwise the money may be lost, do research before borrowing. Employed persons should focus on their work because the position of the planets can divert your mind from work.

You may get into trouble due to unnecessary arguments and anger in the workplace. You will not be able to take advantage of the opportunities at the social level in the proper way. In terms of health, there may be some heart related problems, be careful. There will be an atmosphere of peace in the family. Be patient while talking to your love and life partner. Competitive students should focus on their goal and study wholeheartedly to achieve it.

Moon will be in the 11th house due to which you will get good news from your elder sister. Hard work done in partnership business will get you better results and your share may be higher. The employed person’s work colleagues will help in your work so that all the work can be completed successfully. Your smile at the workplace and your willingness to help your team and coworkers at all times will make everyone respect you. “Smile and help are two such perfumes that the more you sprinkle them on others, the more fragrant you yourself will be.

“It is beneficial to stay away from risky activities at the social and political level. You will feel some relief from the problem of mouth ulcers. There is a need to spend time with the family. You will get full support from your love and life partner in every task. Technical students will overcome the problems in study through smart work.

Moon will be in the 10th house due to which there may be a rift with someone in politics. You may get a government order in political terms. Businessmen may face financial problems, so face them with patience. With the formation of Lakshminarayan and Preeti Yoga, you will be successful in getting the prize of best employee at the workplace.

Start new work only when you have sufficient resources and money. The new generation can share their heartfelt feelings with someone close to them and seek his/her advice. It is okay to do this. The day will be in your favor in terms of health. Students can taste success through hard work. You may get a heart-warming message from someone in the family. You will spend beautiful moments with your love and life partner.

Moon will be in the 9th house due to which luck will shine by doing good works. Due to the formation of Lakshminarayan and Preeti Yoga, the growth of your business will increase due to profit in the business. The businessman now seems to be getting relief from his past problems, now he will be able to do business faster. People employed in the marketing and advertising field are likely to get success.

Accomplish your target. Smart work at workplace can increase your salary. Planning can be made to buy a new car and house. You will get some relief from the problem of chest pain. With the support of your family, your work will be completed on time. You will find your love and life partner standing firmly for you at every turn. Management students will work hard to achieve their aims.

Moon will remain in the 8th house due to which Dadiyal may face problems. In business, you will have to face some problems which will affect your business and your reputation. The day will be good for businessmen but one should avoid selling goods on too much credit. There may be an argument with seniors at the workplace regarding some issue or work.

Competitive and general students will have to work hard only then they will be able to be successful in their life. If you are currently considering planning for official and personal travel, then stop it. You will be troubled by back pain problems. Any relative issue can cause a fight in the family. There may be lack of trust in love and married life.

Moon will be in the 7th house due to which there will be a boom in business. Due to the formation of Lakshminarayan and Preeti Yoga, the ongoing dispute with someone in the market will soon be resolved through your smart thinking, which will result in profit in the business. Everyone in the office will praise your work, which will make your opponents stand against you. The new generation should remain calm.

It will be beneficial for you to stay away from negative thoughts. None of your work will stop at the social level. With hard work, students will get good marks in the exam. A spiritual program can be planned in the family. You can buy a costly gift for your love and life partner. High-low sugar level can increase your problems.

Moon will be in the sixth house which may cause mental stress. With the formation of Lakshminarayan and Preeti Yoga, you will be adept in the art of running new and old business together. Employed persons are advised to strengthen the official situation, do their work with complete honesty and alertness and reach office on time. Considering your ability at the workplace, you may be given new responsibilities.

The day will have mixed results for you regarding health. Professional and personal traveling can be planned. You will get to learn something new from the elders in the family which will be very useful for you in the future. “Sit for a moment, elders can’t find everything on Google.” Situations of discord with love and life partner will be resolved. Be alert about sports person career.

Moon will be in the 5th house which will bring sudden monetary gains. Due to formation of Lakshminarayan and Preeti Yoga, you may get profit in business. Employed person was due for promotion, he can get transfer along with promotion. There will be fatigue due to high work load at the workplace. Politicians may have to face some problems.

“A person can never be successful who thinks more about the problems coming on the way rather than on the way. The new generation will have to do the work in the office very carefully, the workload may also be more. Common You will be troubled by cold. You can plan to visit a relative’s place with your family. There will be sweetness in love and married life. Students will be busy completing a project.

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